Actualización del Plan de Inversiones 2024

2024 has been an eventful year, as evidenced by a slow but steady rebound of the US stock market and oil dependency; rising environmental rights costs had an immense calming effect on private business activity; and rising interest rates put strain on many institutions of government and society alike.

Corporate inversion is an advantageous business strategy that allows companies to change their tax residence overseas and thereby reap multiple advantages:

1. Economies of scale

As soon as your business acquires more clients, more money may be put back into it for investment purposes.

A draft investment plan 2024 proposes fund allocations based on identified needs and opportunities. Here, scale economies refer to higher (or lower) rentabilities provided by some investments compared with traditional market prices.

IDAE seeks to incorporate public and private institutions in projects and initiatives with participation requirements of between 5-20% at an approximate speed, in accordance with Article 84.2 of Ley 39/2015 from October 2015 on Public Administration Reform Regimen Common Framework; such administration will then be carried out either solely or collaboratively by its member institutions.

IDAE actively selects projects and organizations which submit applications:

2. Increased liquidity

Root real estate investments are tangible assets used to amass wealth. A classic form of investing, it remains one of the most lucrative instruments around today as invertor can gain significant returns by buying low-priced assets then selling later for higher prices.

As the shares of any corporation fluctuate constantly, their stock serves as an investment vehicle where traders can buy cheaply and sell later for an increased value.

However, investors must remain aware of the risk associated with listed markets and calculate its potential impact on your portfolio. It’s particularly important for inverstors to take into account any risk a private creditor might pose during your investment. Each investment fund carries different levels of risk; we recommend long-term investing to limit these risks as much as possible. For more information about our alternative investments and how they could fit into your plan of invesment contact one of our advisors now!

3. Relatively low interest rates

Risk in investments varies considerably depending on the activity undertaken, with bond and stock funds possessing relatively lower risks when invested into listed values.

Investment opportunities that include infrastructure investments, private lending and secondary markets provide rentable financing opportunities despite high commercial rates.

As part of the XII Seminario de Sistemas Nacionales de Inversion Publica de America Latina y Caribe (Red SNIP), which took place from 30 to 1 August 2017 in Tegucigalpa, DGPMI addressed three themes related to investment management. DGPMI took part in this event alongside ILPES, BID and GIZ with an aim of discussing and emphasizing national action plans that reinforce objectives and targets associated with public investment.

4. Access to capital

Private equity investor fees tend to be significantly lower than in hedge funds, and their difference between upper and lower quarters of an investment fund’s rentability due to an investment distance of 20% is significantly smaller.

Real estate investments offer lower investment returns than hedge funds.

Institutional investors have seen their service fees for investors steadily decline since 2009 (see the graph). Meanwhile, private investors have experienced negative cashflow for the first time since 2009.

Attractive low cost of capital could allow investors to tap opportunities in sectors benefitting from secular growth momentum, including real estate. Current low interest rates could produce attractive tasas de servicio tasas favoring investments such as unifamiliares, offices for agribusiness/life sciences companies/data centers etc. For full access download the report.

5. Diversification

Private investment markets provide diversification that presents lucrative returns when compared to MSCI ACWI index.

Infrastructure investments lie at the center of global macroeconomic and technological competitiveness shifts, while simultaneously making circular economy feasible and increasing environmental resilience to climate challenges.

IDAE has initiated projects and initiatives which supplement each other and align with its Investment Strategy 2024-2026 framework, in order to address it effectively. IDAE’s Board of Administration is working towards making sure projects adhere to principles such as no significant environmental harm (DNSH for short) as well as transparency principles when they reach completion.

Commodities involve high levels of risk, are frequently illiquid, and may involve leverage and derivatives – characteristics which do not make them appropriate for all investors. There can be no guarantee that an investment objective will be met and diversification does not ensure profits in declining markets.

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