Prestamos y Creditos

Prestamos y Creditos

Prestamos and credits are among the most frequently utilized financing tools. Entities offering such loans typically verify income tax returns and payment receipts before authorizing any loans. Loans from prestamistas often represent an attractive source of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises. The Basics Banking institutions specialize in providing customers with financing solutions, and prestamos … Leer más

AXA – Seguros de Vida

AXA - Seguros de Vida

AXA Life Repatriation Insurance covers repatriation costs associated with death of an asegured individual and includes a capital guarantee policy. Individuals aged 18-70 years may buy into or renew this plan; renews up until age 80 are also possible. AXA Seguros is one of the largest insurers on the Spanish market and covers an impressive … Leer más

Seguros de Vida ASISA

Seguros de Vida ASISA

Asisa Life Insurance helps safeguard financial assets in case of death and provides peace of mind to policy holders. Furthermore, this product features exclusive coverage for women. Asisa Vida Tranquility is one of the market’s most sought-after products. With complete coverage and meeting all family needs in one solution, this plan provides optimal coverage and … Leer más

La Planificacion Financiera Personal

La Planificacion Financiera Personal

Personal financial planning is key to reaching realistic financial objectives and creating long-term stability. The process involves steps such as evaluating current situation to identifying short, medium, and long-term goals/objectives for personal finances. This involves compiling an inventory of income, expenses and savings. 1. Preparation of a Financial Statement Personal finance planning refers to the … Leer más

Hipotecas y Euribor

Hipotecas y Euribor

Euribor is most often associated with mortgage loans that use mixed rates. Owning such mortgages has its advantages; however, having an interest-compounding option comes at a price. The evolution of Euribor has an immediate and direct effect on monthly mortgage payment amounts. Therefore, it’s essential that individuals understand its progress as well as if it … Leer más

Seguro De Vida Con Hipoteca

Seguro De Vida Con Hipoteca

Financial entities sometimes offer purchasers mortgage loans and/or life insurance to protect the family in case of death, permanent disability or any unforeseen calamities. The primary goal is to safeguard family members against such circumstances. But this step is neither mandatory nor recommended for every homeowner. 1. Requirements Banks from which mortgage loans have been … Leer más

How Does the Bolsa de Valores Work?

How Does the Bolsa de Valores Work?

A financial market, the capital markets are an arena where buyers and sellers trade financial assets like stocks and bonds for profit. Acciones represent part ownership in an organization while giving its holders rights over its performance; bonds on the other hand can be issued by governments or corporations and will pay out periodic interest … Leer más

Jubilacion Anticipada

Jubilacion Anticipada

Premature retirement provides you with the chance to continue working and focus on activities outside the work force that enhance your quality of life, while at the same time increasing your monthly pension payment beyond its projected amount. To qualify for early retirement, you must fulfill certain requirements. Social Security Reducing effective retirement ages has … Leer más

Como Rellenar el Libro de Cuentas Corrientes

Como Rellenar el Libro de Cuentas Corrientes

Current Account Book should be updated when payments are received, with Division of Administration and Finance acting as Custodian of Funds for safekeeping of such funds. The main book includes an accounting system to organize and track regular accounts. 1. Organize Your Information A daily book is an historical record of all business transactions conducted … Leer más

Hipotecas Santander

Hipotecas Santander

Santander Bank provides young borrowers with an interest-free loan to assist in purchasing their first home, up to 35 years of age. You may qualify for this product. Bank loan products are among the most sought-after offerings, boasting competitive interest rates, higher loan-to-value ratios and unique terms and conditions. 1. What is a hipoteca? A … Leer más

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