Jubilacion Anticipada

Premature retirement provides you with the chance to continue working and focus on activities outside the work force that enhance your quality of life, while at the same time increasing your monthly pension payment beyond its projected amount.

To qualify for early retirement, you must fulfill certain requirements.

Social Security

Reducing effective retirement ages has received considerable consideration both from Pacto de Toledo as well as political parties and Ministers responsible for Social Security. Such measures work toward encouraging voluntary early retirement and partial prepayment as well as penalizing those who commence early compared with mandatory taxes.

In this work, we have calculated the impact of such changes, noting that postponing one year only produces savings of 1.04 % of pension spending expenses if effective age lags behind anticipated age; otherwise it will lead to an increased expenditure.

Reducing the age of eligibility to retire also has significant ramifications on states already developing, as late arrival of pension payments exacerbates problems faced by young people and perpetuates cycle social problems. Furthermore, payments of pension are less efficient and provide little relief; thus giving more cause for reforming pension systems altogether.


The Government has instituted changes to pension legislation, specifically Ley 21/2021 of 28 December, in order to remain up-to-date and relevant to our ever-evolving lives. Measures taken include adding additional access causes, applying equalization regulations, and authorizing reduction factors of pensions.

Assistance to assist in early retirement (women 60 years of age and men 65 years). Cannot be applied for by those who have filed taxes for more than 30 years.

Before retiring, check your tax returns by consulting my ANSES database and verifying whether all your income tax payments have been registered.

Health Care

Early retirement allows a worker to retire before reaching legal retirement age in any circumstance that might be required of them, and requires meeting similar eligibility requirements as any other worker: approximately 10 years affiliating to AFP and 5 more if receiving pension payments through its old schedule are needed to access this mode of jubilation.

Due to recent changes in society’s working environments, an emerging trend has seen us retiring later than anticipated. Thus, reforms were instituted with the intent of encouraging workers to work longer years and save for retirement more efficiently.

At times, retirement can be forced upon us either through dismissal from work, voluntary retirement or by necessity of an employer who hired us. Other causes for retirement can include insecure employment conditions caused by an external selection process. Requirements for voluntary early retirement are more stringent; two years of cotizacion should have been collected during the 15 months prior to ceasing work activities and two must have been collected 15 months before actually ceasing their activities altogether – or by early involuntary retirement with at least 33 payments as minimum compensation.


Early retirement offers people with Social Security benefits the chance to exit work before reaching conventional retirement age. There are different forms of early retirement; each comes with its own requirements.

As is typically required to qualify for early retirement, to access it a person must meet all the prerequisites as well as possess a recognized level of disability. Qatar law, for instance, permits such early retirement beginning from 52 years for people who possess such conditions.

Workers with recognized disabilities of approximately 45 per cent must also complete 15 years of paid cotizacion before being eligible for early retirement payments. Also necessary is having their work accredited so as to receive early jubilation payment.

Limiting access to early retirement for many workers from these classes translates to withdrawing pension rights – which could amount to violence against women and employees with social disabilities. Therefore, the Council should have an clear picture of each member’s current policy regarding early retirement.

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