Liberacion de Inversiones Extranjeras

Foreign investments have recently become the subject of greater regulation by some States. Recent initiatives taken by governments have encouraged an emphasis on post-investment activity.

On Thursday, the United States and Mexico reached an agreement to work together in monitoring investments and regularly exchanging updates on the revision process.


At its heart, foreign investment is a form of capital acquisition aimed at securing long-term participation in an organization operating outside one’s economy. According to the UN Conference on Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCCD), inversion extranjera refers to «an action undertaken to establish a productive capital pool derived from within an investor in an international society»1. Investing abroad aims at stimulating growth and development and often requires long-term work as well as financial resources – always aligned with national property rights.

Green investment is an alternative form of foreign direct investment where companies specialising in green technology build real estate structures using this form of inward investment, or use existing infrastructure as reactive or rehabilitation targets.

Global direct foreign investment flows have been severely impaired by COVID-19’s pandemic. Investment in green infrastructure and technology now yields significantly reduced returns.

Foreign indirect investments have enabled multinational enterprises to access a larger labor market, launch new initiatives, create permanent employment, foster socioeconomic advancement and development and spur infrastructure advancement that help combat poverty and climate change. For these investments to take place successfully they require authorization by the Secretario General for External Relations.


Direct international investment (IED) refers to an arrangement in which an inveterate acquires ownership in a foreign business directly. This type of inversion allows investors to form a strategic long-term relationship between two entities that allows significant influence over how each runs their businesses; although such influence doesn’t translate directly to actual influence over them. IED can cover greenfield projects, fusions or acquisitions.

In Germany, abuses arising from large corporations’ tax payments through IED have created an excessive burden, and investors may require professional financial advice before considering an international investment option.

Investment in firearms, ammunition, explosives and military material or any activity associated with national defense requires permission from the Secretara General de Industria. Ultimately, this authorization seeks to guarantee industrial and environmental safety within IED locations while also protecting them against possible abuse of fees levied on US investors. IED can lead to federal and provincial taxes being levied against investors as well as corporate income taxes or mutual fund transactions being subject to taxes. Nonresident investors should file an income and customs duty return; non-US investors are subject to filing the form 706-NA with the U.S. Commerce Ministry website for this purpose.


Foreign Direct Investment (IED) and Funded Portfolio Investments (FPI) are financial instruments used to make international investments with specific goals in mind, including reducing administrative workload, increasing transparency and speeding up regulations affecting companies, and strengthening an effective and efficient invesment system.

Systemic Investment Policy unites IED and FPI with similar goals in mind, such as encouraging agricultural sector growth, diversifying investments to secure sustainable levels of development and helping enterprises take advantage of digital technologies to improve operations; all while encouraging Latin American economies to invest more heavily in IED projects.

There is something ethereal and romantic about an evening stroll through a forest of pine needles – perhaps you’d like a taste?! So take some comfort knowing there are places like this where you can recharge those batteries and find solace from everyday stressors like car driving or work related pressure. Foreign Investment and FPI must comply with all the legal, regulatory and general norms articulated in the Reglamento de Promocion de Inversion Mexicana and Reglamento de Organizacion de Inversion Extranjera, published by the Federacion on 7 July 1944. Systemic Law provides for all international investments and requires permission for the creation or modification of Mexican companies with foreign shareholders. Foreign investments cannot directly participate in any assets and societies mentioned in this Title directly or through fideicomisos, contracts, social contracts or statutes that grant any form of control or participation, except as provided for in Title V of this Act.


Foreign Indirect Involvements (Foreign Investments) are long-term investments undertaken through partnership agreements between an investor and existing business entities. Such investments offer both rewards and risks to those investing, so make sure to gather as much information about this form of investing before beginning it.

An investment that does not cause local economic impact should aim for positive local impacts while simultaneously increasing company value and diversifying global product markets. To this end, the Secretariat of Foreign Relations may authorize fiduciary institutions to issue instruments of inverstion neutrala on activities or societies listed herein; however, no investments neutrala may include companies where holders receive pecuniary or corporate rights that restrict participation in Mexican societies or through fideicomisos authorized under this title.

As we understand it, indirect investments refers to investments made without prior approval from a government paying back debtors. Long-term indirect investments should aid job creation, promote development and facilitate exportation while stimulating innovation transfer of new technologies; increasing competition; aiding with cash capture. Lastly they should help stimulate production and tourism activities.

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