Seguros De Vida Asisa

Asisa life insurance policies cover risks of death and disability. With Vida Tranquilidad you can cover these risks starting at 18 up to 64 years.

ASISA VIDA brings you comprehensive life insurance plans tailored to your personal, family or financial situation with comprehensive coverage tailored specifically for you and your family. Give them peace of mind as they plan their future together.

Tranquilidad en el futuro

Fear of the Future (FOF) is one of the primary sources of human anxiety. Anxiously anticipating events beyond our control and over which we have no direct control can create great distress for ourselves and those close to us, as well as cause great strain between family members.

At ASISA Life Insurance we are here to help ease your anxieties and ensure your peace of mind for the future. With the ASISA Life insurance you receive cover in the event of death as well as double capital protection of your business. In addition, we also offer banking assistance as well as special services like an annual financial exam.

At Asisa, we also provide you with your independence policy and additional disability permanente insurance policy. In case of death by accident or serious illness, Asisa provides double capital in case of fallecimiento, independencia invalidez ou moribundity.

Asisa understands the significance of life for you and your loved ones, which is why we provide this product that assures financial and business assistance should any unexpected events arise – be they incapacitating conditions or accidental deaths. Furthermore, Asisa provides additional independence protection as well as life assistance with double capital coverage should an accident cause death. Furthermore, they offer financial tests for assistance.

Confidence en las coberturas

Peace of mind is vitally important to you and those you hold most dear, which is why Asisa understands its significance: assuring them of financial security should they face death or permanent or complete incapacitation for whatever reason.

Asisa life insurance policies provide both basic coverages, as well as death capital in case of your demise, as well as many opportunities for expansion with additional products – like work coverage and 24-hour medical service provision – making our products ideal.

Asisa provides three life assistance policies to meet your needs, including mortgage life insurance and special coverage for women with special policies designed especially to protect them. Furthermore, corporate life policies offer protection for your loans and mortgages.

Which option best meets your needs? We provide annual, semiannual and trimestral payment plans throughout your contract as well as suitable work beginning at 10 years.

Completos coberturas en caso de fallecimiento

Life Insurance Policies provide families with vital support should you pass away, not only providing access to capital for any unfinished tasks in the future but also aiding those willing to assume your responsibilities (mortgages, loans and studies etc) even in the distant future.

Life Insurance Policies typically provide coverage up to an age, usually around 70 or 80. Should beneficiaries outlive their expectations, there is the option to convert their policy into an annuity so as to extend its protection.

Asisa also offers an additional obligatorily coverage option. Under this plan, insureds receive double of their capital even in cases of infectious illness, while also assuring medical assistance, increased health benefits and access to universities or hospitals in your area. It is an invaluable way of safeguarding the future for you and your family; consult an Asisa life insurance adviser so they can assist with finding an option suitable to you – trust in our products will only guarantee a more peaceful future!

Completos coberturas en caso de incapacidad

Asisa Life Insurance gives you peace of mind for the future, whether or not it involves death, disability or accidents. Should one arise, their Asisa Life Cover will replace income lost and provide protection to loved ones in their time of need.

Life Insurance products provide comprehensive protection for income and financial responsibilities, and also offer additional advantages such as retirement guarantee and school registration services.

Life Insurance Policies for Asisa Women Provide Adapted Coverages that Fit into your Real Life

People often forget the importance of planning ahead for situations involving disability, but life insurance can serve as an invaluable tool in mitigating financial risk.

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